In automotive industry usage of robotic simulation and OLP software is common. Robotics simulation was born in eighties and car producers were first customers of software such as Robcad or IGRIP. Today, they modern versions (Delmia, Process Simulate) based on years of experiences. They allow simulate motion of robots from different vendors and are integrated with data management systems used in automotive industry. Now, you can try to enter to this world.
Kategoria: English
Yesterday I watched latest Bond film. Skyfall is great, but there is no robots during whole film, so I decided to show you part of „Die another day” film from 2002. The best Bond episode for robotic engineers :)
Today Siemens introduced to the market new software for robotics called RobotExpert. From available information we know that is limited version of Tecnomatix Process Simulate running without oracle database and is adjusted to requirement of small and medium companies. Is it a successor of Robcad?
I think that Fanuc Roboguide is one of the best tools for simulation and OLP. Unfortunately is also like Pirelli calendar. You can’t get it, you must receive it on DVD from Fanuc. On official site you can only find pdf brochure.
Today in times of fast internet connections and short deadlines no one likes waiting to postman with DVD. Some people even haven’t optical drivers in computers.